5 Things to Know Before Your Website Goes Live


Thought Leadership

Web Development

5 Things to Know Before Your Website Goes Live

Upcoming website launch? Here’s what you need to know!

Having built and maintained websites for years, our team knows a thing or two about website launches. Here’s our quick list of things to know once your site goes live!

1. Who has access

Accounts & handoffs

After rolling out a site (especially if you used a vendor!) make sure you can get into everything you need – accounts, files, repositories, and even fonts. Check that user accounts have been handed off and any ownerships have been switched from possible vendors to in-house staff.

2. Who is responsible

Ownership & accountability

Websites constantly evolve, so keeping a record of who is in charge of what is incredibly handy. If your site needs a new SSL certificate, is that scheduled in someone’s calendar? If you run an external campaign, do you know who you can count on to integrate your APIs? When it’s time to update the company Team page for a new hire, who do you reach out to? Know who’s on the hook for what to avoid any “fall between the crack” moments!

3. How to use the site

Site navigation & admin use

A new site is an exciting, robust business tool, but only if you know how to use it! Before launching your site, make sure you’re able to comfortably navigate the admin side of things. Check that you can upload images, create pages or forms, add CTAs, enter content, integrate your site with existing software or subscriptions, and track KPIs from inbound marketing leads.

4. How the system works

Structure, implications, and dependencies

Do you know which modules do what, if you can add new tags without breaking anything, or upload images without slowing your site down? We’re not talking how to add pages or create events (see the above section); it’s about knowing design implications and dependencies and how your site is structured or how to not break anything.

5. Who to call when things go awry

The contingency plan

When it hits the fan – yep, we’re talking about the dreaded “YOUR CONNECTION IS NOT SECURE” message, or when critical security updates get released, or when redirects are down, or a page cannot be found – who do you call? If you have a web developer on staff, or you work with a partner, you’re likely a-ok. If you don’t have these resources, it’s a great idea to look into agencies that provide maintenance, support, or security for websites. Many agencies (including ours!) offer maintenance packages to help you keep your website up & running, and offer support and consulting if you want to take your website to the next level.

Do you need help with any of these things?

From training teams on how to better leverage their site, to spinning up landing pages, building integrated forms, or providing maintenance and support packages, our team is committed to bringing value to clients with every engagement. Have a website query or want to chat about your recent website launch? Reach out to us today with your question and our team will help you find a solution!


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